Hello peeps! Welcome back to the Forever Blooming Blog! I hope everybody is doing well. Today, we are back with a podcast recap of our latest episode where our host, Jordyn, talks about the LGBTQ+ community, the hardships faced by its members, and how mental health is intertwined with that. If you haven’t checked out the episode yet, you can stream it on Spotify, Anchor, Youtube, and other podcasting platforms. But if you are looking for a short summary of the aspects covered in the podcast episode, sit back, grab a snack, and let’s get started!

As we all know, Pride Month ended recently. While Pride Month can be a liberating and empowering period for people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, the support and encouragement for them must be present year-round. It is crucial to address the stigma and prejudice faced by the LGBTQ+ community. The impact of hatred can be extremely perilous for a lot of individuals. Discrimination can lead to trauma, anxiety, suicide, etc. Although the worldwide celebrations of Pride Month underscore the progress achieved by society, individuals belonging to the LGBTQ+ community still deal with bigotry, which, in turn, can take a serious toll on their mental health.
Teens especially go through way more self-doubt. Being a teenager myself, it is challenging to explain yourself to adults. According to research, LGBTQ+ teenagers are 6 times more likely to develop symptoms of depression than heterosexual teenagers. Further, they are twice as likely to feel suicidal and 4 times more likely to commit suicide. Sometimes, reliance on adults can prove harmful. If surrounded by discouraging and toxic guardians, teenagers can lean towards self-hatred and disgust towards themselves.

All of the condemnation can make them question their choices; it can make it difficult to accept themselves. If you are struggling with coming to terms with your identity/sexuality, remember that you were born with it and that it is nothing to be ashamed of. Embrace yourself. A person is beyond their gender/sexuality. Your identity is a part of you; it doesn’t define you, does it?
A lot of the discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community stems from lack of knowledge. Hence, whether you are a part of the community or not, it is important to educate yourself about it. Spreading awareness about it and being a good ally is so important. You can educate your family members about the LGBTQ+ community, share information about it on social media, and get involved through various forms of activism, such as marches.

It is also necessary to address a person using the correct pronouns. While a few innocent mistakes are fine, deliberately going out of your way to call a person using pronouns that the person is uncomfortable with is absolutely wrong.
Here are some statistics (US-based only) regarding the adversities faced by LGBTQ+ people:
57% of the LGBTQ+ community has been non-sexually harassed.
51% of the LGBTQ+ community has been sexually harassed or experienced episodes of violence.
67% of hate crimes and homicides were committed against transgender women of color in 2013.
59% of LGBTQ+ individuals have fewer job opportunities.
50% of LGBTQ+ individuals believe that they are paid less.
54% of LGBTQ+ individuals have to hide their relationships in order to feel safe and happy.
39% of LGBTQ+ individuals reported having mental health issues.
Isn’t it astonishing that these people, who are humans like each and every one of us, suffer, face bias, etc. just because of their identities or sexual preferences?

It is every person’s duty to end the stigma and introduce equality. No person must experience homophobia in order to land their dream job. Nobody should be catcalled in the street. Equality should preside.
Taking active steps to accept yourself is essential. Here are some coping strategies if you are a part of the LGBTQ+ community and battling with your mental health:
Know your worth.
Coming out is not an obligation. It is a huge step, which is why you should always make sure that you are 100% safe and comfortable before doing so.
Do not come out to the wrong people. Share your feelings with someone you are comfortable with.
Be prepared for negative reactions.
Ignore hurtful comments.
Be patient with yourself as well as with other people.
Distance yourself from toxic people and relationships.
Find out what works for you (e.g. journaling, poetry).
Last but definitely not the least, reach out for help if needed. Don’t be afraid. (Check out our previous blog post where various support hotlines are mentioned.)
It is time we destroy the stigma around the LGBTQ+ community. If you are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, best of luck to you! You are amazing, and I am proud of you for accepting yourself for who you are. If you are not a part of the community, be a good ally, and continue spreading awareness.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Follow Forever Blooming on social media platforms for some wholesome content, and stay tuned for the next blog post and episode!
Until then, take care!
Keep it up vidhi😘
Very well written
Lovely...great going